
Dear Women...

Today is international Women’s Day, and so to the women in my life...

Dear women,

If there’s anything I know it’s that you have had, and continue to have an immeasurable role in my life. I quite literally wouldn’t be here without you – in fact none of us would be.

Thank you for bringing me into this world, and more importantly for keeping me in it.

You have loved me when I was unlovable; you listened when no one else would.

5 Ways to Better Communication

Most of us think we know how to communicate. After all, we spend a large amount of time talking to other people, sharing stories, asking questions. Yet wherever I go, the topic most commonly raised is communication.

How do I talk to the person I care about? What do I do when they don’t want to talk to me? How can I start the conversation? What advice can I give?

Communication is possibly the hardest skill to master for many of us. Fortunately, it’s a skill we can always develop.

The change we can all make | #itsokaytotalk

Photos can do a lot of things. They inspire, educate, shock us, and make us think. They capture beauty, evoke fear, happiness, sadness, hope, and love. They can be a mirror of what society values, and what we would rather ignore. They can capture what words simply cannot; after all, as the saying goes – “a picture is worth a thousand words”.


So what do pictures have to do with mental health?