
Young People’s Human Rights Medal

I was both surprised and honoured when told about being selected as a finalist for the Australian Young People's Human Rights medal.

More so, I was deeply humbled to find out the group of inspiring young Australians I was a part of.

Mental health: Adam Schwartz shares journey of hope through depression to help other sufferers | ABC News - Heads Up

The mental health journey of 24-year-old university student Adam Schwartz has taken him to the darkest places since he was 10, but "hope for the future" is what saved him from severe depression.

Mr Schwartz — who is now an author, speaker and Black Dog volunteer youth presenter based in Sydney — said he had suicidal thoughts from a young age.

"Mum has reminded me that when I was 10, I told her my heart is black, my body is full of anger, and that I wish I was dead," he said.

Courage in the face of depression – The AJN – Phoebe Roth

FOR many months during his teenage years, Adam Schwartz could hardly get out of bed, let alone leave the house. He would cry himself to sleep every night, and couldn’t bring himself to look in the mirror in the morning.

Schwartz, now 24, traces his crippling battle with depression back to when he was 10.

“Mum reminds me that I said to her one day, ‘My heart is black, my body is full of anger, and I wish I was dead.’ At 10,” he tells The AJN.

mum, i wish i was dead official book launch

Last night was the launch of my book 'mum, i wish i was dead - the story of a teenager who conquered depression'.

Over 200 people came and listened, laughed and cried. I don't have the words to thank everyone enough for coming and supporting me. It is truly humbling to know how many people care about such an important topic.

mum, i wish i was dead reaches number 1 in depression and mood disorders on Amazon Kindle in it’s first week

It's very exciting to see 'mum, i wish i was dead' at number 1 on the Amazon Kindle Best Sellers list, for both Depression and Mood Disorders!

Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to read my story and help spread such an important message.